Monday, September 8, 2008

We Must Never Forget

Each morning,when I pull the curtains back from our front window the first thing my eyes rest upon is a large American flag that is rippling in the breeze, three block away, flying from a tall flag pole so the flag can be seen for quite some distance. Went walking one day to find the home and thank the people for their gift each day - which reminds me of my freedom to live, worship, and raise my family as I please.
Today, Lew and I went to buy a flag to display - especially on 9/11 - but every day to feel the joy, and love of country. As we receive reminders of that fateful day 7 years ago, through emails and news reports, I thank my Heavenly Father for preserving this nation and pray for that to continue so my grand children and great grand children can also feel the joy of freedom each day of their lives.
Let's all remember, always, and give thanks for freedom, that doesn't come free.
Love to all, Carol


caribickley said...

Mom -
Reflecting on the events of today makes me appreciate each moment that we have the freedoms that we do. We are truly blessed to live in AMERICA!

MCGROVER said...

Carol & Lew-
Thank you for this post. I was going to put something on my blog, but since we are in New Jersey visiting Katie I forgot. However, yesterday morning a siren went off at the local fire department three times at the times the planes hit the two Trade Center buildings and the Pentagon. LET US NEVER FORGET!

The Rain

The Rain
I love Nature

Lew Grover Family Deer Lake, Wash

Lew Grover Family  Deer Lake, Wash
Lew Grover Reunion 8/2006 Randy, Scott,Carol, Lew, Doug, Cari, Paul

Part of the Whole Family

Part of the Whole Family
Grover Reunion August 2006